Third floor sink vandalized and replaced
April 12, 2016

A plumber adds two new sinks to the third floor C-wing male bathroom. The sinks in the bathroom had lost all function for a few weeks before and after spring break.
A few weeks before and after spring break, male students lucky enough to be on the third floor were restricted to just one properly functioning bathroom. The sink in the C-wing bathroom had been vandalized, a significant inconvenience to the male half of the student population.
“A couple weeks before spring break, someone had vandalized that sink on the third floor,” Carl Hudson, sophomore principal, said. “When the plumbing technician looked at it, something was definitely wrong.”
The sink had been vandalized before spring break yet was not completely repaired until Friday, April 8.
Some sinks throughout the school are created with original parts that don’t have available replacements. Thus, the parts were impossible to find which prompted a complete replacement of the sink.
“The unfortunate thing is that some of the sinks in our building are original and so to get parts is very difficult,” Hudson said. “The district looked but were not able to find the parts; so, we had to install new sinks.”
However, this act of cruelty is not the only one of its kind. MHS has had previous similar incidents in the past, all of them being quite troublesome for the gender affected.
“A couple years ago, we had some additional vandalisms in some of our bathrooms,” Hudson said. “Yet again, it’s nothing but a disruption to everybody because in this case, the sink was down and so, if you wanted to wash your hands, you had to walk downstairs or go to the other bathroom on the third floor.”
As with Hudson, students agree that the sink vandalism was a nuisance to many.
“Whoever vandalized the sink were ignorant fools,” Tyler Hamlett, sophomore, said. “The sink being vandalized was annoying because I had to walk farther if I wanted to actually wash my hands.”
As of now, the suspects of the act have not been identified but it is recommended that the perpetrator come forward.
Until then, students can now enjoy the exceptional water pressure of the two new white sinks just recently added to the MHS family.
“My ultimate hopes and dreams for this school is to always have sinks that work so students no longer have to run to the other side of the school,” Domitius Jarrouj, senior, said.