Q&A with record-breaking diver
Media by Taylor Styer
Jake Venegoni, junior, practice his dive after school.
September 26, 2016
Jake Venegoni
Varsity Dive Team at Marquette
What record did you break?
“The six dive dual meet record – a record for meets against another school.”
What is that?
“Three divers from each school dive six different dives each. These dives get judged and their judges score gets multiplied by how hard their dives are. Just like the olympics.”
What was the previous record?
“The previous record was a 284.4, Set by Mitch Harris back in 2009. I set the new one to a 289.7.”
Thoughts on breaking the record?
“Pretty excited, I mean I’ve wanted to break it since I started school at marquette and I’ve finally accomplished that. Definitely a moment I’ll never forget.”
Preparation beforehand?
“Biggest preparation is to remain calm, stay focused, listen to the cues my coach gives me and do the dives just like I know how to. It’s very easy to mess up when your unfocused.”