Photo Gallery: Mystake trains for Powderpuff

  • Mystique shows Mystake how to squat for their Homecoming dance that they are going perform in front of the school.

  • Led by Mystique seniors, the Mystake men mambo while following along to the music.

  • “(Dancing) is a really good way to express yourself with your own movements and style, because not everyone’s dance style is the same. So, whatever yours is people can look at you and find your personality from your dance style.” -Madison Sieli

  • Practicing the “Quan”, Mystake follows along with the Senior Mystique women.

  • “Mystake’s dance is a goofy dance that we want the boys to get into, it’s not really technical.” -Lauren Bhambri

  • “We (Mystique) choreographed a really fun dance, so we are hoping to get really fun guys, to make it funny.” -Madison Sieli

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Lauryn Richardson, Staff Reporter