Opinion: Fixing our Mystakes
Media by Natalie Bowman
“Mystake” performs at the MHS Pep Rally on Sep. 7. The performance attracted a large crowd of students.
September 14, 2017
It’s easy to dismiss “Mystake” as a fun comedic tradition, but the truth of the matter is it promotes the mockery of people who already find it difficult to present themselves in a feminine manner.
The homoerotic dance moves and oversexualization of senior men de-legitimizes feminine presenting people.
By having a majority of straight presenting people perform homoerotic dance moves as a joke not only hurts an already oppressed group, but also eats away at MHS’ validity as it directly violates two of Rockwood’s Core Value statements: “Promote and model ethical values and good character as the foundation of performance” and “Build a safe and caring school community.”
It’s evident that the play on words “Mystake” advocates that men and other people who dress and act homo-expressive are a “mistake.”
Understandably, the building wanted to parody Mystique’s name, but to address the group as “Mystake” only further’s the building’s lack of respect for feminine men. Although the group of feminine acting men at MHS is small, it doesn’t give members of Mystake the right to belittle and make fun of our culture.
It should also be noted that the people who decide to participate in “Mystake” are allowed to wear crop tops in parody, but female students are not permitted to in the most casual of situations. Men in feminine clothing are viewed as so much of a joke that they allow them to bypass already sexist dress codes.
The same people who will dismiss me and this article for being “SJW” or “too sensitive” are the same people who don’t have to deal with day-to-day ostracization because of self expression.
I guarantee that if all the gay feminine presenting people participated in “Mystake,” that the straight people who act in would not feel as comfortable.
Now imagine feeling that uncomfort on a daily basis through the halls of Marquette. That is what we as feminine presenting people face everyday and “Mystake” is a slap in the face from an establishment that claims to support us.
I am not saying that we must completely get rid of “Mystake,” but there must be major changes made so that next year’s senior men don’t continue this cycle of delegitimization.
Mr. Durham • Aug 21, 2018 at 1:39 PM
This is very well written so I’m using it in a lesson about traditions. Just because something is a tradition, does that make it right? We’re reading “The Lottery” as an example of a tradition that many would see as wrong.
Zack Lesmeister • Sep 24, 2017 at 10:19 AM
@Daniel Swegel, I get that the realization that participating in Mystake is contributing to a homophobic establishment can be unsettling, but you don’t get to tell me that my feelings are invalid and that i’m being too sensitive when me and several other people feel UNSAFE as Mystake is occurring.
Milo Laux • Sep 18, 2017 at 2:09 PM
Very well-written piece. Unfortunately you hit the nail on the head with the people who will mock your opinion, as I can definetly tell from some of these comments. As a senior, people came up to me and asked me why I didn’t do mystake, my answer was always the same: I already dress in crop tops and I dance. Why would I do something I do everyday but in a mocking manner? It definetly feels degrading.
Jailon Lyons • Sep 17, 2017 at 10:06 PM
Love it! Zack you’re doing amazing sweetie! It’s easy to dismiss this article when you don’t understand the amount of discomfort that gay students like myself face while watching Mystake. I legitimately feel UNSAFE. Thank you for writing an article that speaks for others and explains a side contrary to popular belief. I understand this is traditional to Marquette, but just because something is tradition doesn’t mean over the years it’s offensiveness can’t be recognized and addressed.
Joe Tovar • Sep 16, 2017 at 9:24 PM
Disagree with this. Mystake and other Homecoming week events are an opportunity for the community and school to come together through competition, humor, and tradition. Looks like you are fetching for a narrative that 99/100 people would disagree with. Mystake doesn’t mock anyone. I think it’s a shame that you would bash an event like this. This is the type of attitude that divides us, not bring us together.
Alex McAteer • Sep 17, 2017 at 2:39 PM
@Joe Tovar, Well put response Joe. contrary but respectful.
Zack Lesmeister • Sep 24, 2017 at 10:15 AM
@Joe Tovar, Look I didn’t create the divide I’m just calling attention to it. I also could care less if 99/100 people disagree with my article. The majority isn’t always right and to say that it’s always the case is a flimsy argument. Also i’m a little curious as a gay male, how you, a straight male, is going to tell me that Mystake doesn’t offend anyone. I think the two other queer comments on this article speak for that pretty well.
Megan McVey • Sep 16, 2017 at 10:20 AM
Zack you’re doing amazing sweetie!!
Alex McAteer • Sep 15, 2017 at 11:05 AM
Great opinion! Very passionate.