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The news site of Marquette High School

Marquette Messenger

The news site of Marquette High School

Marquette Messenger

Superintendent Dr. Curtis Cain updates Rockwood high school student journalists on the Belonging Through a Culture of Dignity program on Monday, April 22. This training program is part of RSD’s long-term student success plan, The Way Forward, and is one of many new equity initiatives in the district.
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Robin Craig, language arts teacher, has students in her Ac Lab to work together on projects. Ac Lab is a 90-minute period where students can catch up with missing assignments and tests.
Ac Lab Homerooms to be Assigned by Grade Level
Emily Chien, A&E Editor • May 25, 2024

At the start of every Ac Lab, Sophie Lane, junior, excitedly talks with her classmates and teacher, Jonah Boyd. “I feel like I’ve made...

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Ac Lab Homerooms to be Assigned by Grade Level

Media by Zoey Strote
Robin Craig, language arts teacher, has students in her Ac Lab to work together on projects. Ac Lab is a 90-minute period where students can catch up with missing assignments and tests.

At the start of every Ac Lab, Sophie Lane, junior, excitedly talks with her classmates and teacher, Jonah Boyd.

“I feel like I’ve made a connection with the people in the class. It was nice to have a teacher that I was able to get to know,” Lane said.

Ac Lab Homeroom has kept the same teacher and people since the current juniors’ freshman year (the 21-22 school year). Starting next year, however, Ac Lab will be arranged by grade level and last name.

“I’ve been in my Ac-lab for three years, so I don’t understand why it should change now,” Lane said. “By having a teacher I got to know for so long, I felt like if I had any problems I could go to him.”

“By having a teacher I got to know for so long, I felt like if I had any problems I could go to him.”

— Sophie Lane

Associate Principal Dr. Michael Wegener said the changes were made for more individualized guidance.

“If the counselors are going to be doing advisement and presenting about schedules, scheduling it into Ac-Lab will allow students to make sure they don’t miss their classes,” Dr. Wegener said. “It’s arranged alphabetically because the counselors are arranged by alphabet.”

Greg O’Donnell, sophomore, is happy about the change.

“It’s awesome because I don’t like my homeroom,” O’Donnell said. “There is no cellular service.”

O’Donnell said the changes will be beneficial because if students are by their grade level, they will be around their friends and be able to talk to them.

“Next Ac Lab, I’m hoping that I will have friends and cellular service,” O’Donnell said.

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About the Contributor
Emily Chien
Emily Chien, A&E Editor
Emily Chien, junior, is the Arts and Entertainment Editor for the Marquette Messenger. Besides newspaper, she is a part of Key Club, RSD Lives, DEI, and more. Outside of school she loves creative writing, art, dance, and hanging out with friends.
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