‘Star Wars’ trailer spurs excitement
November 18, 2015
With the recent release of the new trailer for “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” anticipation for the film’s release is high.
Tickets went on sale immediately after the trailer dropped on Oct. 19, and weeks later, people are still trying their best to score tickets.
The film as already broken pre-sale records, with AMC selling out more than 1,000 shows nationwide within a mere 12 hours.
IMAX reported selling at least $6.5 million in tickets the first weekend tickets went on sale.
“It’s gonna be a big showing,” James Yoon, senior, said, “With all the IMAX theaters you have to buy tickets a month or two in advance.”
Yoon is still trying to buy tickets, which are reported to be going for as high as $100 in certain areas.

The movie-going public is especially eager to see the film, as it’s the first one being produced by Disney after the company purchased Lucasfilm in 2012.
“I have a lot of excitement to see what their take on it is,” he said.
Enthusiasm for the film doesn’t stop there as audiences are also anticipating it for prominently featuring black actors in lead roles, John Boyega as a character known only as Finn, and Lupita Nyong’o as Maz Kanata.
“I’m really excited because that means that black people are finally coming on top in sci-fi,” Petiri Munyikwa, sophomore, said.
Despite all the hype, many people feel largely apprehensive about the film, for the very reason other fans are excited to see it: It’s being produced by Disney.
Amy Stimmel, sophomore, fears the movie won’t live up to her expectations because of it’s status as a Disney film.
“What they did to the Muppets puts me on bad terms with Disney,” she said.
Despite this, Stimmel is still looking forward to seeing the film.
“‘Star Wars’ is back, and I’m excited,” she said.
“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” comes to theaters Dec. 18.