Photo Gallery: JV Boys Basketball VS. Pattonville

  • #23 Blake Washam, sophomore guard, dribbles the ball down the court in the first quarter of the game

    Media by Kyle Reamer
  • #33 Isaac Schweain, sophomore guard, takes a three point shot in the first quarter of the JV game

    Media by Kyle reamer
  • #22 Robby Mills, sophomore guard, goes up for a shot amidst a tough Pattonville defense

    Media by Kyle Reamer
  • #11 Tyler Sieli, sophomore guard, dribbles the basketball under the basket.

    Media by Kyle Reamer
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Kyle Reamer, Business Manager

Photographed by Kyle Reamer
#23 Blake Washam, sophomore guard, dribbles the ball down the court in the first quarter of the game
Photographed by Kyle Reamer
#11 Tyler Sieli, sophomore guard, dribbles the basketball under the basket.
Photographed by Kyle reamer
#33 Isaac Schweain, sophomore guard, takes a three point shot in the first quarter of the JV game