Eric Bemus

First of all, I’d like to say you definitely caught my attention with the first sentence of your editorial, so thanks for that. You make some great comments in there, and I agree with some of your facts and comments. However, the main thing I disagree with is the absence of details concerning abstinence. If you think about it, abstinence is the only 100% effective way to prevent the dangers of teen pregnancy and STI’s. In other words, it’s the only method that deserves the title “safe.” “Safe” is a dangerous word to throw around in terms of sexual activity, especially when it involves “invincible” teens. There are many cases where contraceptives have defected, and when that happens, it can lead to severe consequences for both partners. So while I do believe that contraceptives should be taught to a greater extent, there’s a reason why abstinence is and should be the #1 protection method taught in schools. Sex may bring “empowerment,” but it also has the power to ruin lives.