Club Spotlight: Joining the Breakfast Club

The breakfast club – what comes to mind is the movie from 1985 about five teenagers who got detention together and then magically and mystically all became best friends.  But here’s a new twist: a club that will go into the city and feed homeless people breakfast once a month.

Jennica Bunderson, sophomore, is in the works of starting the “breakfast club” at MHS.

“I feel really passionate about helping others and I think that serving people breakfast is a helpful and fun way to do that,” Bunderson said.

Bunderson plans to get together the club and go down to a homeless shelter around once a month to serve them breakfast.  She says not only will this help people be more open minded but it will introduce them to a life of volunteering.

“It will really help build the community in the city and the community at Marquette,” Bunderson said.

Bunderson always knew she wanted to start a club at MHS but had trouble thinking of a good club to start.  She ultimately decided on doing a food and community service related club because she thought that nothing makes people happier then filling their bellies and putting a smile on their face.

September 11th will be the first meeting of the breakfast club.  They will be going over information for the year and planning their events.  Be sure to join for an excellent experience and community service.