Opinion: Stop Dressing Up as Serial Killers

With the release of Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story on Netflix this past September, a discussion rose about the effect that it has had on the Halloween season and the tradition of dressing up as anybody. With multiple reports of kids and adults dressing up as Dahmer for the holiday, it is certain that they need to re-evaluate how they should react to his story. Dressing up as serial killers who have harmed people and their families in real life is not okay.

Media by EmmaTyulyayev

With the release of “Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story” on Netflix this past September, a discussion rose about the effect that it has had on the Halloween season and the tradition of dressing up as anybody. With multiple reports of kids and adults dressing up as Dahmer for the holiday, it is certain that they need to re-evaluate how they should react to his story. Dressing up as serial killers who have harmed people and their families in real life is not okay.

While finding a costume and dressing up for Halloween is harmless at its core, some people this year took it too far.

“Monster: the Jeffrey Dahmer Story” is a Netflix TV show that follows the life of the infamous serial killer from the 70s to the 90s who targeted and killed mostly gay Black men. Since the release on Sept. 21, the show has amassed an abundance of critics and watchers.

The show’s controversial storyline has brought mixed reviews. While one group loved it and praised its visuals and plot, the other group thought the show went too far with some scenes involving Dahmer and his victims.

One thing is certain: the show has done more harm than good.

The show itself has the problem of giving Dahmer a “reason” for why he killed people. The story tried to humanize Dahmer, which is not the way that he should have been shown.

There is also the fact that the victims’ families were not made aware of the show before it aired, which in itself is a huge ethical problem.

With the rise of popularity that the series has gained and the Halloween season, It wasn’t a surprise to me when I saw disgusting headlines of people who were dressing up as Dahmer. Dressing up as a villain is one thing, but as a real life serial killer who took 17 innocent lives? That’s way too far.

People have become too desentized to what they take in everyday. They don’t realize that something they may watch as a show actually has a real-life impact on the lives of people directly associated with it. Dressing up as Dahmer for the joke is not funny in the slightest. It is insulting to the victims and families and everyone who was affected by his actions.

We need to change and become more aware of what is right and what is wrong when it comes to the media we consume everyday. Just because the events of Dahmer’s actions happened decades ago, it does not mean that it gives anyone a free pass to dress up as him.