Google Classroom: The More Dependable Platform


Media by Liza Cooper (she/her)

While the canvas home page has multiple classes, announcements, and due dates on the home page, Google Classroom has your class laid out simply on the home page which makes it is easy to read and understand.

Last March, as I went to turn in an assignment for my Spanish class on Canvas, the system logged me out and I was unable to log back in for two days. Canvas lost all my information and I was unable to turn in my work on time.  

Canvas seemed to be the easiest way to keep everyone on the same page as we navigated going back to school for the first time since COVID-19. But for me, Canvas only made it harder to keep track of my school work all of last year. 

Google Classroom was widely used by teachers and students for assignments, announcements and more prior to the 2020-2021 school year. However, last year, RSD required all schools in the district to switch platforms and use Canvas for keeping track of due dates, messaging, course information, class expectations and links to lessons and assignments, according to Dr. Tracey Waeckerle. 

When I walked into my AP Government class on the first day of school for the 2021-2022 school year, I was ecstatic to hear we would be switching back to Google Classroom. 

Classroom is straight forward. My AP Government class is laid out simply on the homepage, which is what I most prefer. I click on my desired class and easily see what assignments I still have to complete listed on the left side of the page. 

Classroom has always allowed me to simply attach my assignments and upload them to my teacher, without a problem.

Canvas was much more difficult to navigate. Due dates and announcements from the teacher were easily lost. It was a burden to submit assignments because of all the steps I was forced to take, and there were unnecessary items on Canvas that added to the confusion.

On top of the simplicity and efficiency, Google Classroom is more reliable. Classroom has always allowed me to simply attach my assignments and upload them to my teacher, without a problem. 

I urge all teachers to consider making the switch back to Google Classroom to provide for a more successful learning environment.