Students and Staff Hoping for a White Christmas


Media by Prashu Sidella

Staff members predictions on when we will have snow days is displayed on a calendar on the third floor.

Every year, Kacey McBride, science teacher, said she and her family are hopeful for a white Christmas. However, for the last few years, the St. Louis region has had limited snow coverage on Christmas morning. 

According to The Weather Channel, the Christmas of 2021 had the third-lowest snow cover in the last 10 years, with only 26.6 percent of the U.S. experiencing a white Christmas. 

“We haven’t had a white Christmas in years, and I love the snow,” McBride said. “As long as I don’t have to drive in it.”

While there may be issues surrounding traveling through snow, the experience of having a White Christmas is enjoyable for many.

There’s a particular way I envision Christmas, and I always feel I envision it in a snowy and cold way, so I would like to see that actually happen.

— Kyle Devine

The Hyperlocal Extreme Weather meteorologists are predicting a winter storm on Dec. 23 to make for a White Christmas with two to four inches of snow on the ground. 

For Freshman Principal Kyle Devine, having a White Christmas adds to the excitement of the holiday season. 

“The snow brings more spirit to the day,” Devine said. “There’s a particular way I envision Christmas, and I always feel I envision it in a snowy and cold way, so I would like to see that actually happen.”

Devine said he hopes it snows this Christmas so his kids can open their presents with snow outside to set the mood for the day. 

“The snow enhances the Christmas spirit, and I would love for it to happen for my kids,” Devine said. “Though if it weren’t to snow, we wouldn’t let it change our Christmas day.”

I just want to wake up on Christmas, look out my window and watch the snow fall,

— Andrew Han

Andrew Han, freshman, said a snowfall on Christmas is more aesthetically pleasing than looking at brown grass and dead trees. 

“I just want to wake up on Christmas, look out my window and watch the snow fall,” Han said. 

If it were to snow, Han said he wants to fulfill his dream of building a snowman on Christmas day. 

“It’s the perfect day for it,” Han said. 

According to Personal Empowerment, snow brings people excitement and creates a sense of togetherness, and, likewise, Han said he feels like snow brings joy to him and his family. 

“I feel like seeing snow on Christmas would make the day so much happier,” Han said. “People will remember it for a long time.”