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The news site of Marquette High School

Marquette Messenger

The news site of Marquette High School

Marquette Messenger

Aidan Gallagher, freshman, participates in the masquerade-themed banquet. At the banquet, Rebecca Blindauer, theater teacher, announced the shows for the 2024-2025 school year: “Peter and the Star Catcher and The Drowsy Chaperone.
MTC Announces Spring Musical:
Zoey Srote, Staff Reporter • May 24, 2024

This upcoming fall, the stage lights will shine and the curtains will be drawn to reveal the set of the play “Peter and the Star Catcher.”  In...

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has had a pop culture impact like no other, and its 40th anniversary is this year. Follow the history - and future - of the franchise.
MHSNews | Ninja Turtles Celebrate 40 Years
Adelyn Lievanos, Staff Reporter • May 20, 2024

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MTC Announces Spring Musical:

Marquette Theater Company will move fall musical to spring for 2024-2025 school year
Media by Angel DiSalvo
Aidan Gallagher, freshman, participates in the masquerade-themed banquet. At the banquet, Rebecca Blindauer, theater teacher, announced the shows for the 2024-2025 school year: “Peter and the Star Catcher” and “The Drowsy Chaperone.”

This upcoming fall, the stage lights will shine and the curtains will be drawn to reveal the set of the play “Peter and the Star Catcher.” 

In past years, the Marquette Theater Club (MTC) has produced a fall musical, but a recent change in scheduling has led to the musical date being switched to spring, moving the play to the fall. The spring musical will be “The Drowsy Chaperone.”

Rebecca Blindauer, sponsor of MTC, said the musical’s date change was not only due to the district’s change to move finals before winter break but also to allow students more time to get used to their new classes at the beginning of the school year before starting musical preparation.

“Coming right off of summer, to jump right into a musical is a little overwhelming,” Blindauer said.

Blindauer said the new date for the musical is expected to be beneficial for students and the quality of the production.

“Having more time to plan, prepare, figure out what we want it to look like and make all of those decisions will ultimately be a good thing,” Blindauer said. “It’s been pretty exciting.”

Sofia Chirco, sophomore, will be the MTC secretary next school year and has been involved in the cast and crew of several productions so far. Chirco said she is happy with the new dates because it will give her something to anticipate throughout the school year.

“I really like it because it gives me something to look forward to,” Chirco said, as she prefers the musical. 

In addition, Chirco said the musical in Spring will make finals easier, as the musical had previously been the week before or after finals. The few weeks surrounding the show would always be filled with rehearsals and other late-night commitments, affecting the time students participating in the show had to prepare for final exams.

Drew Mathers, junior, is the vice president for MTC. He said he looks forward to having a spring musical because it will be the last show seniors will have at MHS.

“It always gets bigger audiences,” Mathers said, “It’s a different experience overall.”

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About the Contributors
Zoey Srote
Zoey Srote, Staff Reporter
Zoey Srote, sophomore, is a staff reporter for the Marquette Messenger. This is her first semester on staff. Zoey spends her free time reading, listening to music, and playing club volleyball. She also enjoys traveling and going to concerts.
Angel DiSalvo
Angel DiSalvo, Staff Reporter
Angel DiSalvo, freshman, is a staff reporter for the Marquette Messenger. It is her first semester on staff. Angel is involved with the Marquette Theater Company. She enjoys roller skating and listening to music in her free time.
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