The Carl B. Hudson Memorial Scholarship honors Carl Hudson after his sudden death in 2021. He was a big advocate for young people continuing their education past high school. The Scholarship is holding an apparel fundraiser for the scholarship.
“Mr. Hudson was a beloved administrator at Marquette High School,” Ms. Ake said.
The scholarship is awarded to two seniors in the form of a one-time payment of $1,500.The deadline for seniors to apply to this scholarship is Feb. 28.
“He was a huge advocate for young people continuing their education and finding success in life, and this scholarship will help them on their journey,” Ake said.
To create awareness to this scholarship members of the community have put up flyers around the building, reached out to the parents of students, and sent out email announcements with a QR code for applicants.
To help fund the scholarship, the counseling office is selling t-shirts and sweatshirts. The form to order is due Tuesday, Feb. 4.
Sophomore Principal Dr. Rick Regina is on the Carl Hudson Scholarship committee and helps read through applications to decide the recipients.
The scholarship committee awards scholarships to those who exhibit qualities similar to Mr. Hudson.
“Mr. Hudson was kind. He was generous, specifically generous with his time,” Dr. Regina said. “He was always a guy that was there for you whenever you needed something.”
Dr. Regina said Hudson played an important role in the community as a friend and coworker to many people.
“It’s a lasting legacy for Mr. Hudson,” Dr. Regina said. “He had a tremendously positive impact on Marquette High School.”
Rebecca Blindauer, drama teacher, knew Mr. Hudson for many years.
“I think for a lot of people, his passing was so sudden and unexpected,” Blindauer said. “I think to honor his memory and all of the wonderful things that he did here. It’s keeping his face and name in people’s minds.”
Blindauer would describe Hudson as a very fair person.
“I think Mr. Hudson always looked at all sides of an issue,” Blindauer said. “He was generous with his time, generous with his demeanor and just himself.”