MHS Students Celebrate Halloween at Trunk or Treat

  • Friday, Oct. 29, MHS Junior class Officers held a Trunk or Treat for the community. Despite the cold, rainy weather, there was still a significant turnout at the event. Lauren Lakamp, junior, and Jessica Dodd, junior, enjoyed the night with a smile.

  • Yana Dragnev, junior, and younger kids dressed up in costumes to celebrate Halloween. Candy was passed to those participating as they walked from car to car.

  • For Trunk or Treat, cars were decorated with a variety of items. Halloween decorations such as fake cobwebs were a common choice for the crowd.

  • Madelyn Haas, sophomore, and Averi Talley, sophomore, volunteered to give out candy and sat in the trunk of the car to hand it out to the visitors.

  • Younger kids were not the only ones dressing up. MHS students also wore costumes. Carter Gleason, junior, wore a ghost costume made of a bed sheet with holes. “It was a fun Halloween costume that was easy to do. It’s timeless,” Gleason said.

  • Collin Durer, junior, wore an inflatable snowman costume that received approval from the crowd. Chloe Durer, junior, opted for a more minimal look and wore an olaf hat to match the snowman theme with her triplet.

  • While mostly students attended, Dr. Julie Spurgeon, sophomore principal, and Dr. Rick Regina, junior principal, also attended to celebrate Halloween. They enjoyed the night alongside each other to keep an eye on the attendees.

  • The cold weather was not ideal for lightweight costumes so many students opted for outfits with more layers. Instead of traditional costumes, Elley Dwyer, junior, and Jacob Robinson, junior, wore character onesies.

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