Early Christmas Celebrating Overshadows Thanksgiving

Media by Annie McGinnis

Target retailers stocked their aisles with Christmas decorations beginning Tuesday, Nov. 3.

As November begins and the Halloween festivities come to a close, a new holiday season quickly fills the void.

Families are quick to replace the traditional fall decor, taking down the scarecrows and replacing them with Christmas lights. Beginning the first day of November, the Christmas holiday season begins.

Although, people are forgetting another important holiday that takes place in between Halloween and Christmas.

That’s right, Thanksgiving.

Recently, Thanksgiving receives less appreciation than it deserves and is overshadowed by an unseasonably early start to holiday celebrating.

Large corporate businesses play a persuading role in this early Christmas decorating. Many national retail chains, such as Target and Walmart, begin to sneak in Christmas decorations throughout their aisles as early as the end of October. 

This year, Target retailers stocked their stores on Tuesday, Nov. 3, with an abundance of Christmas decorations. That is exactly 52 days before Christmas day and 28 days before the first day of December. 

As I walk through the aisles, I notice a limited number of shelves, if any, filled with any Thanksgiving or fall related decor. This fact does not make sense if the Thanksgiving holiday is still approaching.

This year, Starbucks released their holiday drinks on Friday, Nov. 6. Personally, I’ll continue to savor my fall themed Pumpkin Spice Latte until the season ends.

With these well-known businesses pushing for a start to the holiday celebrations and sales, one can’t help but feel pressured to begin the Christmas celebration early.

What’s the rush to begin the Christmas festivities instead of enjoying the present Thanksgiving holiday?

A major aspect of Thanksgiving is appreciating the blessings around you, so instead of attempting to fast forward to the winter holidays, take in the scene of the colorful leaves and fall aesthetic.

Without the presence of snowfall and freezing temperatures, it is difficult to get into the proper Christmas mindset as well.

Unlike Christmas, there is no pressure to purchase the perfect gift for each friend and family member. The gift that Thanksgiving brings is not tangible; it brings a memorable experience that is more valuable than a physical gift.

The Thanksgiving holiday should not be overlooked, as it is a time for loved ones to come together to share their gratitude for each other, in addition to savoring a delicious turkey meal.

Until the Thanksgiving dinner table is cleared, keep those Christmas decorations to a minimum, and enjoy the current fall holiday with those you love.