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Media by Marta Mieze

Students gather to eat lunch. Flex Time gives students many opportunities to join clubs, work on homework and eat lunch.

Editorial Board: Protect Flex Time

As the bell for Flex Time rings, Sara Parikh, senior, goes to one of her teachers for academic help. 

In that 30-minute block of Flex, Parikh can only stay in that class. All hallway doors get locked for that half an hour, so if Parikh needs to leave class, even if only for the restroom, she needs to find someone to unlock the doors. On C Days, Parikh’s Flex Time is shorter, with lunch shifts during the second hour. 

Parikh is not a student at MHS, but is instead a Lafayette student. 

After trying out Flex Time as it currently is at MHS and was implemented at all RSD high schools, LHS experienced multiple fights, leading to the dissection of Flex Time. While the concerns that sparked these changes are valid, LHS’ restrictions completely counter the intentions of Flex Time.

Our current Flex Time is vital to allow students to develop time management skills, take ownership of their academic work independently.

As with any change, especially one granting students’ autonomy, there will be faults and failures. In order to develop time management skills, we need space to make mistakes and grow from them. Flex Time is built on the foundation of student freedom and educational ownership. 

If a student is forced to sit in one spot for half an hour, this is not any better than just another class. If a student is required to remain with one teacher for half of Flex Time just to ask a question that could take only five minutes, students are losing out on the ability to get help for more of their classes. 

Flex Time gives students so many opportunities. There are about 69 clubs and organizations at MHS, many of which utilize Flex Time for practices or meetings. 

Students receive academic help, eat lunch and hang out with friends without being tied to a bell. With Flex Time we’re able to utilize our time without having to cut out time for those same activities before or after school when many students have other commitments. 

After experiencing Flex Time, students are less stressed out. According to a survey by an administration, 74.7 percent of 1,623 students who responded found that Flex Time has decreased their stress.

If anything, a more flexible Flex Time makes MHS more equitable and gives every single student an opportunity to become involved in the community and succeed academically. It encourages us to be self-reliant individuals who manage our own schedules and dedicate time to people and activities we care about.

To say the least, our current Flex Time is worth being grateful for. We appreciate the efforts of administrators like Principal Dr. Steve Hankins that give us the opportunity to have and use this time as we please. The administration’s willingness to hear feedback and ways to make Flex Time better is worth recognizing and appreciating. 

We encourage the student body to use it wisely and with purpose. Give it a chance because clearly its structure is fragile. Find a new club to join, tutor someone or simply enjoy a bit of time for yourself. 

Especially as the semester kicks into gear, students’ workloads also become harder to manage. With final exams in December, time seems to wear thinner and thinner. Recognize Flex Time as a privilege and treat it as such.

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