Right now in Rockwood there is a projected shortfall of $8 million to $16 million for 2013. The district has cut zero hour classes and transportation, and they are beginning to cut teachers. But at the same time, MHS is getting an expanded library and Weight Room.
First of all, let’s get some things out of the way. The money received for the Weight Room and the Library is taken from a Bond Issue, which is money given to the district to use exclusively for structure. No new text books or higher salaries, but the physical building. Thus, the money can go nowhere else but the Library and the Weight Room.
It may seem ridiculous to many that we have to cut teachers, but we’re getting a new weight room. This makes it especially difficult to ask for a tax increase, one of the many options the district is considering to gain more revenue. Parents are going to look at the expanding Library and Weight Room, and then the district is going to ask for more money. Not an easy situation.
I do think the money could be better spent, don’t misunderstand me. But the fact remains that the money can go nowhere else. Because of this, I think a larger library is a good decision.
Students have mentioned how they don’t think the school should cut teachers because it effects their education, and that money should go primarily to that. A new library, would help only that. Everyone knows its impossible to print out your language arts paper in the library before class starts because all the computers are taken. An expanded library would feature many more computers.
Yes, we’re in a major budget shortfall. Could the money be better spent? Absolutely. But for the situation, a new Library (and Weight Room, for our athletic readers), is a good way to go.