The news site of Marquette High School

Richard Wierzba

Q: What would you like students to know about you?

“I am lucky enough to be living the American dream. I’ve been a successful small business owner for the last 28 years. Although being the owner means I have a lot of responsibility to serve customers and make sure all my employees have what they need, it also brings great reward. I have a good income and can feel proud of something I have created. This is what I want for you. I want you to know how much power you have over your future. If you put your mind to achieving a goal, and work for it, you can do it! The only thing stopping you, is you. Go for it!”


Q: What are your goals for the BOE?

“My goals as a Board of Education Director are all about you getting the most you can get out of your time here at Marquette and getting you guys ready for your next step. We do this by renewing our focus on academic excellence and improving transparency so that our community supports all that we want to do for all of you. We want you to be equipped for what you see as your destiny, whether that means getting you ready for college or trade school, or to invent a product or run for public office, or sign up to protect our community or our country. What if your destiny is to be the next great YouTuber or influencer on Instagram? You will increase your chances of achieving these goals if you are educated. So, how do we do all that we want to do for you? We achieve these goals on the school board by asking questions and getting information before we vote. We do this by checking on you guys and your teachers. We look at what programs are the best fit for setting all of you up for academic success and success later in life. Because our community has been frustrated with a lack of transparency from the district, we also need to be the sunlight that shines on all the great things happening in our district as well as the areas where we can do better.”


Q: What policies will you advocate for?

“I will advocate for policies that increase transparency. For you, for teachers, for parents and taxpayers. We can’t make informed decisions about the best programs for you or the best training for teachers or the best use of district money, if we don’t all have information about what’s working and what isn’t.”


Q: How important are student voices in education?

“Student voices are very important in education. Our schools exist for you and because of you. We want the best for you. We need to know what you think is working and what isn’t working.”


Q: How important are parent voices in education?

“The voices of adults at home are even more important than yours when it comes to education. I know sometimes you think you know more than we do (I felt the same way at your age), but, hey, adults at home set the tone for what you believe about yourself and about what’s possible. They bug you about turning in your assignments or studying for a test. They give you rides to competitions and practices. They provide what you need at home to come to school ready to learn. Parents, grandparents and guardians are the people who provide the volunteer time and the financial support for the great things our district does.”


Q: How important are staff (teachers, admin) voices in education?

“The voices of our teachers and staff are extremely important. So, listen to them. Respect them. Turn your assignments in on time. You are with them 7+ hours a day.  Soak up all the knowledge they are giving you. Come to school ready to hear what they are telling you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions; that’s how you learn. Your teachers are offering you a top-notch education. Take it. You owe it to yourself to be the best you. You owe it to your teacher, who is working many hours even after the school day ends, to give you what you need. You owe it to our community because you are our future leaders.”

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