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Tamara Jo Rhomberg

Tamara Jo Rhomberg, incumbent BOE member, has been on the BOE for four years and has served in education for 52 years. 

Rhomberg said she is running for re-election because she believes in the BOE, and during this critical point in a pandemic, she wants to continue to work on the BOE and be part of the decisions.

“I believe that having an incumbent that has an understanding of the history and issues that we’ve come through would be important to the success of Rockwood at this present time,” Rhomberg said. 

Rhomberg’s current goal as a BOE member is to try to get education back to normal after the atypical year students have had during the pandemic. She said because there is expected to be financial hardships with funding, having someone who is familiar with the finances of the district would be helpful in making decisions that affect programming.

For the future, Rhomberg said virtual learning will become a sort of norm in a way because it can be cost-effective and save time in regards to traveling, so she wants to work on improving that for students and teachers.

“I think that those are things that we’re going to see in the future that are going to continue to make Rockwood a premier district, that we’re capitalizing on the kinds of instruction that we can deliver and meeting more individualized needs of students,” Rhomberg said.

What she wants you to know:

“I am passionate about the education of our children and youth today,” Rhomberg said. ”I believe in what public education will do for our citizenship of our students and the future of our society. And so with that, that’s why I do what I do and it’s why I’m committed to be the best Rockwood school board director that I can be.”

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