The news site of Marquette High School

Media by Caroline Cudney

Friday Fives: Spring Break Staycation

Spring Break is three Fridays away and many students are staying home for the week-long break. Here are some suggestions  to have a fun productive Spring Break while at home.

1. Work

This is a great time to make some money. If you have a job, pick up some extra hours over this week. You can work and make money if you don’t have a job too. Try to find someone that is traveling because you can make easy money house or pet sitting, and there are always parents in need of babysitting and nannying over break because most jobs don’t have a Spring Break too.

2. Go on vacation in your own city

Explore St. Louis and other nearby cities with friends like a tourist. Find cool, new restaurants to try and sights that you either haven’t seen in a while or before at all. The Zoo, City Museum, Science Center, Union Station, Arch, Forest Park and Loop are all inexpensive and fun places in St. Louis that you can visit over break.

3. Have a personal day

This break from school is a perfect time to better your mental and physical health as well as clean up and organize many parts of your life. Make a to do list before the week. Set aside one day for a personal spa day, one for cleaning up your school stuff, another for cleaning your room (laundry, vacuum, wipe down counters, etc.), and one for anything else you would like to get done.

4. Learn something new

During school, there is little time to yourself with extra curriculars and homework, so take this time where you have a small breather to learn or do something you have always wanted to do. Try a new recipe, read a book you haven’t had time for, learn how to sew. Whatever it may be, use this time home to try this.

5. Relax

Spring Break is meant to be a small break from school, so you can relax and destress. Make sure you do this and give yourself breaks during your time off. Sleep in, take some naps, lay down and watch your favorite Netflix shows or read your favorite book. Regenerate your mind and your body, so you feel prepared to head back to school and finish the last part of this semester strong.

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