Senior Hannah Drumm, girls varsity basketball player, accomplished her 1,000 point wearing jersey number 34 on Jan. 27 at a tournament against North County Tech in Eldon, Mo.
Drumm sees this as a huge milestone in her basketball career and an incredible accomplishment. It generated a lot of excitement for her and the team.
“When I got the 1,000th point, I started crying while I was playing, which was a bit embarrassing, but everytime I think about it I can’t stop smiling,” Drumm said. “It was truly a dream come true.”
This is only the fourth time in the program that someone has earned 1,000 points.
Drumm is at her 1,108 point at this time, and is continuing to play.
Her job as a center is to protect the basket and keep the opposing team from scoring and to follow up on rebounds. On offense, she stays down low and tries to score the shots that are close to the basket, once again rebounding. Drumm said this is the reason why she also has the record for the most rebounds. The previous record was 629, but she has 785. Most of her rebound shots are worth 2 points, which helped count toward her 1,000 points.
Drumm began playing basketball in fourth grade, along with playing volleyball and soccer. However, she lacked the coordination needed for volleyball and soccer. Because her father and grandpa both had experience playing basketball in high school, they encouraged her to continue with the sport.
Drumm said playing varsity as an underclassman was definitely hard because she didn’t hang with the same people outside of basketball, making it super hard to fit in.
She is now on her fourth year playing varsity.
Drumm’s main goal for the season is to win Conference. The team ended the season 12 and 13, and 6 and 3 in Conference, which means there is a chance at winning, Drumm said. The last game in conference is at Lindbergh High School on Thursday, Feb. 23.
In the future, Drumm plans to attend Southeast Missouri State University to earn her degree in nursing. Though she will not be continuing basketball after high school, Drumm said she is hoping to make this season her best.
Senior Sarah Krokstrom, point guard, said Drumm is an important part of the team.
“Without her, we wouldn’t be as good as we are,” she said. “As a team, we are super proud of her and what she has done.”
All stats accurate as of Feb. 27.