Boys Varsity Volleyball defeats Parkway South 4/30/2015
Mitchell Mai, junior, and Joey Zamberlan, senior, perform their annual ritual before facing Parkway South.
Reilly Keeven, sophomore, sets the ball to Austin Guill, junior.
Grant Vollmar, junior, jump serves.
Joe Kimerle, senior, sets the ball to Clayton Owens, junior.
Joe Kimere, senior, sets the ball to Reilly Keeven, junior.
Grant Vollmar, junior, spikes the ball.
Clayton Owens, junior, spikes the ball over the net despite Parkway South’s defense.
Mitchell Mai, junior, bumps the ball to his fellow setters.
Clayton Owens, junior, successfully spikes the ball.
Joey Zamberlan, senior, saves the ball from going out of bounds.
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Haley Munn, Online Sports Editor
May 3, 2015